Claim Assessor

Claim Assessor are the main pillar participants of the Uno Re insurance and re-insurance pools as is pertains to the processes of claims. Claim Assessors will assess claims and in accordance will call the functions mentioned below.

Request Claim

Claim Assessors will call the requestClaim function to initiate the process of transferring funds back to the claimer i.e. the protocols involved in the staking pool.

        address _from,
        address _cohort,
        uint256 _protocolIdx,
        uint256 _amount

Input variables :

  • _from : refers to the protocol address to which the claims are to be dispatched

  • _cohort : refers to the address of the cohort in which the protocol is participating and from which the claims are being processed.

  • _protocolIdx : refers to the ID of the protocol participating in the respective pool from which the claims are being processed.

  • _amount : refers to the amount of claims to be dispatched to the protocol address.

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