Single Sided Insurance Pool
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Built on a synonymous structure to Uno's SSRP pool. The Single Sided Insurance Pool (SSIP in short) will be a direct insurance providing pool. The stakers of these pools will be directly responsible for the policies being sold on the basis of the SSIP, the TVL of the pool with the leverage ratio will determine the capacity of the pool to insure and sell policies.
The SSRP and SSIP pool are architecturally alike interms on staking and unstaking functions since they both are based on Master Chef V2 contracts, but the SSIP pools have an additional Capital Agent contract brought into implementation. This is because funds in the SSIP pool are leveraged and use concepts like MCR (Minimum Calculation Ratio)and MLR (Maximum Leverage Ratio) for which additional calculation is required.
To distribute the block rewards the admin will call the createRewarder
function, this function will deploy a rewarder contract which will house the funds for distribution as rewards. This function can only be called by the admin
_operator : refers to the address which will have admin access to the rewarder contract
_factory : refers to the address of the factory from
_currency : refers to the address of reward token which will be deposited in the rewarder contract
When a user invest i.e. stakes into the pool they are issued with LP tokens specific to that pool. LP tokens being a representation of the user's investment and is burned when user unstakes his funds. To create the ERC 20 standard LP token for the pool the createRiskPoolFunction
is called. This function can only be called by the admin
_name : refers to the name of the ERC 20 LP token
_symbol : refers to the symbol of the ERC 20 LP token
_factory : refers to factory address
_currency : currency of the pool
_rewardMultiplier : It is the factor, which will be used to calculate accumulated UNOs per LP share from the last reward block to the current block.
Instead of storing all staking and unstaking data per user the concept of reward debt is implemented. The rewardDebt concept is fuelled from accUnoPerShare, lastRewardBlock from MasterChef V2 contracts. When a user withdraws or deposits funds the updatePool
function is called which updates the accUnoPerShare, lastRewardBlock.
block diff = current block number - lastRewardBlock(n)
unoReward = block diff * unoMultiplierPerBlock
accUnoPerShare(n+1) = accUnoPerShare(n) + unoReward * ACC_UNO_PRECISION / LP tokenSupply
lastRewardBlock = current block
To participate in the Synthetic SSIP/SSRP pool and be eligible for rewards in $UNO the user will call the enterInPool
function. When the enterInPool
function is called the SSIPStaking
function in the Capital Agent is also called to update the total capital amount(TVL of the pools), which will be used to check if the pool has enough capacity to provide coverage for the particular to be bought policy.
_amount : the amount of funds being deposited
rewardDebt(n+1) = rewardDebt(n) + (staking amount * accUnoPerShare(n+1) / ACC_UNO_PRECISION
To unstake the funds from the SSIP pool the users are required to call the leaveFromPoolInPending
function. After this function is called the user is put in a 10 day waiting list after which he can call the leaveFromPending
function upon which his funds will be transferred back to his wallet.
At the moment, the total capital and withdraw request amount are checked by MCR(Minimum Capital Ratio) in the CapitalAgent.
totalCapital - withdrawAmount >= totalCapital * MCR
_amount : the amount of LP tokens being unstaked
accumulatedUNO = LP balance of the user * accUnoPerShare / ACC_UNO_PRECISION
pending UNO reward = accumulatedUNO - rewardDebt of the user
rewardDebt(n+1) = accumulatedUNO - (withdraw amount * accUnoPerShare) / ACC_UNO_PRECISION
To transfer back the funds from to the user's ownership the user's are required to call the leaveFromPending
function. When this function is called the SSIPWithdraw
function in the Capital Agent is also called to check if the pool would have enough capital to insure present active policies, only after a safe check from the Capital Agent the request is approved.
Then, total capital amount also will be updated in the CaptialAgent because capital in the pool is decreased.
The user can harvest his rewards at any time.
To harvest rewards the user shall call the harvest
function. Upon calling this function the rewards accumulated by the user shall be transferred back to the user
_to : the address of the user where the funds shall be transferred
To settle a claim and take out funds from the pool the policyClaim
function is constructed. The ClaimAssessor address is set when deploying a contract and is upgradable by the contract owner. While settling a claim 2 situations can arise
The claim amount is less than the UNO balance of the pool, in that case the claim amount will be transferred to the claim requester.
The claim amount is larger than the UNO balance of the pool, in that case the amount with a substraction of 100 $UNO from the pool will be transferred to the claim requester.
While handling this policyClaim, total capital amount in CapitalAgent is decreased.
This function can only be called by UNO claim assessors
_to : refers to the address of the claimee
_amount : refers to the amount of funds being dispersed to the claim requester
If the user changes his mind and want to keep continue staking in the SSRP pool, the user shall call the cancelWithdrawRequest
The user can migrate his staked capital to another risk pool LP token in the future.
The migrate contract address should be set by admin in advance. When the user run migrate function, his block reward will be calculated and transferred to his wallet.
The user has the pending withdraw request and its lock time is over(10 days), in that case, the user's WR(withdraw request) will be transferred to his wallet.
The user's withdrawal request is not empty and its lock time is not ended , in that case, the user’s WR will be cancelled.
After implementing withdraw request, other UNO balance will be moved to migrate contract and the user’s origin LP balance will be burnt.
The migrate function is a back up solution put in case of an unforeseen situation occurs.
The user can transfer his LP token which the user received at staking UNO into SSIP.
When transferring LP token, the user's pending reward till the time will be transferred to his wallet and then rewardDebt of the sender and recipient will be adjusted with the transferring amount.
When this function is called the user's withdrawal request is calculated and the lpTransfer is only allowed when the tokens being transferred is not involved in the withdrawal request
_from: refers to the address transferring the LP tokens
_to: refers to the recipient address of the LP tokens.
_amount: refers to the amount of LP tokens being transferred.